Fit Body, Resilient Mind, Live Fully.

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a Fitness Coach that studied Psychology,

Self-Discipline reshaped my life. Let me help you do the same

Hi - I’m Gab.

Fitness Fundamentals.

Your All-in-one guide to fitness, nutrition, and self-optimization.

To begin your health journey with clarity and confidence, without the stress or any wasted time.

About Me

Moved to Canada at 17 and had to figure out life from scratch.

I Learned everything through Fitness and Psychology, which led to discover the power of Self-Discipline. This is why I'm sharing the little knowledge that I've got, offering perspectives and insights that will help you start & trust the process.

Haven't written a bestseller (yet), but who knows? You should stick around because I promise to give you all the tools you need to turn you life around for the better.